Kelly Oriakhi Ministries (KOM) 

   Manifestation of Sonship


 The Prophetic Word Of the Month

 I welcome you to the month of AUGUST 2024, the eight months of our Year of GOOD REPORT of FAITH, which God has prophetically named for us as our season of divine STRENGTH (Eph. 3:14-16; Psa. 73:26).

Strength, among other things, means the quality to be strong, the capacity to withstand the pressures of life, etc.

In this season of divine STRENGTH, God is reminding you of who you are and what you have in Christ.
God is challenging you to stop looking at your natural strength and start engaging the divine strength that is yours in Christ.
As a believer in Christ, you are stronger than you know because you have the strength of the Lord. Read more

Kingdom Ladies Advancement Special Weekend Retreat 2025 in Belgium. Click here for more details. Click here for registration and fee. 

Coming up in 2025 The Bible Alive: The Patriarchs. A Production of Kelly Oriakhi Ministries. 

Registration and more click here

Leaders are Readers! Books by Apostle Kelly &  Prophetess Sherma Oriakhi

Apostle new books for this year are available. Purchase your books here.

To purchase your books Prophetess Sherma Oriakhi click here

Join us Sunday Service in Trinidad & Tobago!

 Click here for more details.

Join us Sunday Service in Holland!

Click here for more details.

Join us Sunday Service in Belgium!

Click here for more details.


"Grow sons out of the children of God and equip them for exploit With the strong meat of the Word of God.”


For your teachings, trainings,  mentorsip, coaching, productions and much more...

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Apostle Kelly E. Oriakhi is a renowned teacher of God’s word. God is using him to teach and preach the gospel of Christ, as well as train and mentor leaders across the nations of the world. Apostle Kelly has a unique call from God, “

To grow sons out of children of God and equip them for exploits with the strong meat of the word of God.” Read more



Sherma Oriakhi is by God's grace, a prophetess, a prophetic dancer, author, song writer, producer, instructor, a teacher and preacher of the Word of God, a coach, a mentor and a leader in the church and God's kingdom. She is the author of “Guard Your Heart” and “Bewaak uw heart”, writer and producer of the song "Hold On Now", visionair of the prophetic dance team Beautiful Feet Worshipers, Kingdom Ladies Advancement Special Weekend and Facebook Live broadcast Bruised But Not Broken. Read more

Check our Webshop here!


Kingdom Empowerment Seminar



Kingdom Foundation certificate course 

is designed to help students understand the basic elements. Read more here

Kingdom Children & Youth Ministry

certificate course is designed to equip

parents. Read more here

Kingdom Ministerial Guide certificate course is designed to help the saints of God. Read more here

Kingdom Prophetic Dance certificate course is designed for churches that are starting with the prophetic dance. Read more here

Kingdom Leadership Edge certificate course is designed to help the saints of God to understand the rudiments. Read more here

Intercession certificate course is designed to help students discover and maximize their calling as intercessors. Read more here

For special design packages contact us!

Sow into this Ministry!

Make a connection with this vision today! It is a fertile ground for your financial seeds! Sow for your desired harvest, and commit God to establish your expectations.

You can use our bank account or PayPal to sow your seed!

Nothing is too small or too big to lay down as a seed!  And remember,

"While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease" (Genesis 8: 22). "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap" (Galatians 6: 7).



Kelly Oriakhi Ministries Copyright © 2010-2024 KOM
